"The Refiner"

Dec 17, 2023    Jeff Suits

This Sunday will continue the Advent Series called "Christ Revealed". This week we will look at the prophecy of Malachi that reveals Christ as a Refiner.

Prelude - Carol F.


Call to Worship - Luke 2:13-14

Hymn #132 - "Angels, We Have Heard on High"


Hymn #135 (1,2,5) - "While Shepherds watched Their Flocks"

Lighting of the Third Candle of Advent - Esther H.

The Third Candle of Advent, The Shepherds Candle, reminds us of the Glad News of Christ's Coming and the JOY He brings to our lives.

Pastoral Prayer 

Hymn #134 - "Emmanuel"

Life in the Church

Ministry of Music - Bob S.

Scripture Reading - Malachi 3:1-5

Message - "The Refiner"


Song of Praise
