
Dec 24, 2023    Jeff Suits

This Sunday will continue the Advent Series called "Christ Revealed". This week we will look at the meaning of "Emmanuel" from the Gospel of Matthew.

Prelude - Susan S. and Carol F.


Call to Worship - Luke 1:46-47

Hymn #145 - "O Come, All Ye Faithful"


Hymn #133 - "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing"       

Lighting of the Fourth Candle of Advent - Evelyn H.

The Fourth Candle of Advent, The ANGEL"S CANDLE, is the Peace Candle and it reminds us that Jesus is our peace.

Pastoral Prayer

Hymn #136 (1, 2, 6) - "The First Noel" 

Life in the Church

Ministry of Music - Carol F.                        

Scripture Reading - Matthew 1:18-25

Message - "Emmanuel"


Hymn #134 - "Emmanuel"

